Anoteher Amerikan Bosuh Netuhwerkuh Komershial Postuh
Note: This is the 2nd of 2 new entries. If you want to read the one written first, scroll down a little. If you don't care which you read first (and it really doesn't matter as they were posted only about an hour apart or so) then just keep reading. The choice is yours. Choose wisely. Not...poorly (In the words of a Knight Templar to Indiana Jones...well, approximate words).
Ok, more fun with TV. First off, guess which shows are on tv here that I stumbled across the other day? Hell's Kitchen, Num3ers, and The Bachelorette. All those shows have some sort of meaning to someone, so that's why I mentioned them. Oh, Sex and the City is also on. And CSI:Miami, CSI:NY, and CSI:Regular. And House. And Las Vegas and Dr. Vegas. I guess they like Vegas here as that's 3 shows where Vegas is the setting.
Ok, I was watching AFN and here is one commerical line-up I had the fortune of viewing:
1. The setting: a normal looking kitchen. Enter: 2 kids, approxiate age 7. They look around then one of them says, "It's up there!" The camera pans up to a cookie jar sitting on the top of the fridge. The 2 kids then proceed to hoist each other towards the cookie jar. Now, the camera quality is that of a home video, so I'm sitting here thinking of those drunk driving commercials where there's home video of a kid singing or having a bday or something and all seems happy until the black screen flashes and the words, "Dave Johnson [or whatever]. Killed November 4th by a drunk driver the night of his 15th birthday party," or whatever. So I'm expecting the damn fridge to topple over and crush the kids and have it be a PSA for proper house safety. Instead, while the kids are still struggling to get the cookie jar, a voice over proclaims, "Remember what we can accomplish with teamwork?" Yes. Getting cookies, apparently. Then again, you can also accomplish the same task a hell of a lot easier and on your own by walking to the grocery store. Whatever.
2. Scary as hell PSA on POWs. It's this long commercial with different really serious people talking about what to do if you're ever taken prisoner by "the enemy." For example, you need to do everything to escape and help others escape. You can't do anything to help the enemy. You can't do anything the enemy wants. Etc. I'm just hoping that those in the military get more training on what to do in that situation than a stupid 30 second PSA on AFN.
3. The Scene: A town square with a fountain and a bunch of people milling around. Cue: A suspicious looking old lady slowly walking across the screen holding a large bag. Voiceover: You want to avoid being in a terrorist attack? Just do what these people are doing. What are they doing? Acting completely normal." Umm, first of all it's just a weird commercial. Second of all, are they all really acting completely normal if I initially thought that the old lady was a terrorist?
4. Then there's a commercial for a sorority dance. (??) First off, I had no idea that there were sororities in the military. Yet I swear I both heard and saw the word sorority more than once....and the word Kappa. Second, the song in the background was Ace of Base's All That She Wants. Nice.
5. 15 second spot featuring Skid Row telling you to watch AFN. Hey, this job doesn't only fall to Quiet Riot! There are also a lot of these types of commercials with pro-wrestlers. I guess military personnel like wrestling.
6. Previously mentioned AFN Korea commerical featuring guns and bombs exploding to the Linkin Park song. They really are advertising themselves a lot...
7. A commercial on Navy Firefighters with no clear discernable purpose other than to say, "Hey, these guys exist." Also, and more importantly, the song being played in the background was great. Sarah, pay attention, you're going to like this. It was Powerhouse's Some Like It Hot. Otherwise known as the song that Rusty Griswold was listening to on his walkman in National Lampoon's European Vacation. Sweet.
That was all for that commercial break, but there's another commercial of note that I want to explain. It seems to have been created specifically for a Mom-Joleen hybrid. Most of it is just clips from Bambi. Bambi frolicking around the forest, etc. Then Bambi runs up to his mom and says, "What are we going to do today, Mommy?" Then another screen comes up and we see that it's a Smokey Bear commercial telling us, "Only YOU can prevent forest fires." But this commercial always makes me laugh because I always want to pretend to be Bambi's mom and answer his "What are we going to do today, Mommy?" question with, "Die!" Because, you know, she gets shot by a hunter...
Ok, enough with the commercials. But let me now explain my new favorite game. Now, there are quite a few Korean channels on tv that show American movies. And they always show the name of the movie in the upper corner of the screen while it's playing. But, it's not written in English, it's written in Hangul. But, it's not translated into Korean, it's just the American movie name transcribed into hangul (Korean letters). So, I try to figure out what movie it is (oftentimes I'm not sure the name) by attempting to read the Hangul. Which I find humorous because the sounds don't translate right, so it can be challenging to decode. Here are a few examples: Enemy ubuh Suhtaetuh=Enemy of the State. Joan Kyu=John Q. Delta Bosuh=The Delta Force. Seksuh and Sheety=Sex and the City. A Byoo Goot Main=A Few Good Men. Etc. Nae Sachin Binny was on the other day as well...but on that one they actually translated "My Cousin." Joan of Arcadia was also funny, but I can't remember how it sounded now. Anway, that's all for now. Over and Out.
Hey doll
Sorry I haven't written in an age, promise to do better - was going to email a quick note but thought your efforts here deserved at least 1 comment...
Thinking of ya as always...
Anonymous, at 10/26/2005 10:43 AM
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